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New York residents can NOW save on home batteries!

With new home battery solutions, every New Yorker can store excess energy generated from their solar panels and have backup power during outages, ensuring a seamless and reliable energy experience for their homes while saving.

Maximized Savings

We’ll help you access all state and federal tax incentives, net metering, and other rebates to cut your system’s total cost.

25-year Guarantee

We provide complete coverage of the system, labor, and workmanship for 25 years, giving you both peace of mind and all the benefits of solar.

Best-in-Class Equipment

We’ll custom design plans for your home and use best-in-class panels and micro-inverters to make your home the talk of the town.

Flexible Payment Options

On top of maximized savings, we require $0 down, and offer monthly payment options lower than your existing electrical bill.

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